WordPress is getting its popularity day by day. A study shows that almost one fourth of the top 100k websites are made with wordpress. Businessmen, companies, students, and organizations are using the WordPress nowadays.

Though it is popular and almost everyone has heard of it, it is possible that you are a new member in this field and want to know about wordpress. May be you have a question that why wordpress is the best for designing websites right?

Well, let me explain why.

It’s free

The best thing about wordpress is that it is free. You do not have to pay any money to use wordpress. You know, not everyone is capable of investing 15000$ to create their website.

It is scalable

The WordPress is scalable. What that means is that if you reach a certain level of traffic or if you want to add some extra functionality to your site, you do not have to pay any money for this. What you need to pay for is the domain and hosting.

It is easy to use

Unlike other platform, the wordpress has a simple and easy to use interface. Any new person can edit or use it. Though at first it will seem little bit confusing to you but trust me, you will say it is the easiest platform you have ever seen after using few days or hours.

Need no code

A myth has been going on to every newbie that in order to design a website you have to know the code. But WordPress brings a magic here. You can design your website even without touching the code. What you need to do is choose a theme that suits your band or business and customize it. God news! There is an option for free themes and free themes are awesome as well.

SEO optimized

The most important thing for a website is its SEO because with a perfect SEO you can get huge amount of organic traffic from Google and other search engines. And the good news is that the wordpress is SEO optimized.


The last thing I want to mention is it is updated. With the time and update, wordpress get updated so that you can walk with the era.

I hope you have understood why it is best. And if you ask me how you can design your website with wordpress then I will recommend that please do not take the trouble. Hire a company such as iwebexplore who is offering you the best professional web design in just 49$.